The Discovery

Beginning of 70's. Trans-Caucasus. Ruslan Dobrovolsky, the lover of
esotery, brings a yellowed ancient manuscript to his friend Vladimir
Kovtun, a scientist-physicist. That manuscript with the intriguing name
"Secrets of Life and Death. Egypt - India - Caucasus" was found under
curious circumstances. Methods of levitation, clairvoyance, changing of a
body's weight and other miracles were described there and they could only
make an "orthodox physicist" indulgently smile. Vladimir could just pay not
much attention to that manuscript, if there were no chapter, expounding
exact technology of manufacturing so-called Solar (from copper) and Lunar
(from zinc) Cylinders, filled with certain stuff.

Meanwhile, the exact technology is already the fact, itself interesting for
a physicist. Besides, long before this, in an Egyptian Hall of Pavel
palace-museum Vladimir got interested in strange subjects being held in
hands of Egyptian sculptures. The explanation of a guide did not convince
the researcher. He did not find any answer in the numerous books about
Egypt. The question remained open. And now the solution suddenly came. It
was hard to believe...
After a number of experiments metal-glittering mysterious messengers of a
gone civilisation appeared on a Kovtun's table. "Orthodox physicist", held
his breath, took them in hands, and after some time he felt with surprise,
that they did influence in a strange way.
The nature of this influence was to be clearing up for a long time.